Objectives - College of Dentistry
o Effective communication between the college with its various scientific departments and alumni to achieve continuous alignment between learning outcomes and labor market requirements.
o communicating with different employers and informing them about the specifications of the graduate to supply appropriate jobs a that the unit announces through various contacts with different employers as a support for graduates
o uphold the excellence and competitiveness values of graduates in all fields of specialization in the college
osetting up a data base for the graduates to help companies and institutions seeking staff in the areas of specialization to reach the graduates easily.
oDeveloping medical education programs for graduates to develop their skills in line with the nature and needs of the labor market and with scientific developments in the field of specialization.
o informing graduates bout developments in the academic and research areas within the college.
o establishing an annual day and inviting graduates and institutions and organizations , companies and business menthat need to hire college graduates to it.
O strengthening relationship with the graduates to take advantage of them in: -
oDeveloping academic research and training for the College according to the needs of the labor market.
oParticipating in events and activities organized by the college, such as lectures, conferences, seminars and workshops.
oDirecting new graduates for jobs, scientific research and graduate school programs.
o Helping graduates in providing necessary information to complete graduate studies