The Community Dentistry team at the Faculty of Dentistry conducted an awareness campaign for the civil defense sector in Najran - College of Dentistry

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null The Community Dentistry team at the Faculty of Dentistry conducted an awareness campaign for the civil defense sector in Najran

Considering the necessity of activating the role of preventive programs for dentistry. The community dentistry team at the Faculty of Dentistry organized an awareness campaign for Oral and Dental Health, Under the patronage of His Excellency the Dean of the College Dr. Saeed Bin Ali Al-Sareii ,targeting the Civil Defense Command in Najran Region, the campign attended by the Director of Civil Defense in Najran, Ghazi bin Garmallah Al Ghamdi. The campign included a lecture on dental diseases and gums associated with aging (its causes - methods of prevention and treatment). The awareness program included a presentation of the campaign and then an instructional video explaining the importance and methods of oral and dental care by means of different means. And the importance of regular visit to the dentist every six months and after the completion of the awareness program, the medical team began to disclose the members of the civil defense followed by the distribution of gifts to those present for the effectiveness.